Chocolatey Package Manager Windows


Dec 10, 2018 - If you have used Linux or Mac you'd know that there are a few different ways to install applications. Both OSes provide command line interface. Delight in Chocolatey, a Linux-style package manager that makes it much simpler to install Windows. See why developer Tony Patton has jumped on the Chocolatey bandwagon.

  1. Install Chocolatey
  2. Windows 10 Oneget
  3. Chocolatey Install Windows

If you have used Linux or Mac you’d know that there are a few different ways to install applications. Both OSes provide command line interface that allows a user to inquire a remote server to download and install specific package/application. On Windows, if your machine is not managed by the system administrator in a corp domain then the choice of you installing an application is via GUI installer or Windows Store.

Introduce Chocolatey, a Package Manager for Windows, much like MacOS’s homebrew and Debian’s.

You can install regular Windows application via Window’s cmd (Command Prompt) with

Get started, you need to first install Chocolatey. Follow the instruction from

Once it’s installed you can try out some of the examples they have shown on the front page.

Installs docker for Windows.

Let’s do one more installation.

Chocolatey as of this writing has over 6160 community maintained packages. If you are setting up a new machine chance are there are applications from the list that you’d like to install.

What’s amazing is there is a GUI version of the command line interface, so you can pick and choose from the repository and install with just a click of button.

If you already have Chocolatey installed, you can install the GUI by running the following command.

Once installed, you can launch the Chocolatey GUI from Start menu. From here you can pick and browse the entire repo and install packages from here.

The best part of the GUI is that it also maintains a list of apps that are installed via Chocolatey. It has a built-in version track to keep your apps updated. There is one drawback with this GUI app though, it doesn’t have a queue or concurrent installation. You are limited to install one application at a time, whereas if you are running Chocolatey via command line, you can script it and combine all the apps in one batch file and leave it running.

Overall, Chocolatey is a much-needed solution for managing all your Windows installations and keep them updated. If you are aware of ninite, Chocolatey would be a no-brainer alternative to consider for future setups.

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Thanks Hu – useful tool and useful to know about GUI/CMD aspects too.

You can just call me choco.

  • Information
  • Committers
    • Compiling / Building Source
      • Other Platforms

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Chat Room

Come join in the conversation about Chocolatey in our Gitter Chat Room.

Or, you can find us in IRC at #chocolatey on freenode. IRC is not as often checked by committers, so it is recommended you stick to Gitter if you need more timely assistance.

Please make sure you've read over and agree with the etiquette regarding communication.

Support Chocolatey!

  • Purchase Chocolatey Pro / Chocolatey for Business

See Chocolatey In Action

Chocolatey FOSS install showing tab completion and refreshenv (a way to update environment variables without restarting your shell):

Chocolatey Pro showing private CDN download cache and virus scan protection:

Etiquette Regarding Communication

If you are an open source user requesting support, please remember that most folks in the Chocolatey community are volunteers that have lives outside of open source and are not paid to ensure things work for you, so please be considerate of others' time when you are asking for things. Many of us have families that also need time as well and only have so much time to give on a daily basis. A little consideration and patience can go a long way. After all, you are using a pretty good tool without cost. It may not be perfect (yet), and we know that.

If you are using a commercial edition of Chocolatey, you have different terms! Please see support.


  • Mailing List / Release Announcements Only Mailing List / Build Status Mailing List
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Please see the docs

Give choco.exe -? a shot (or choco.exe -h). For specific commands, add the command and then the help switch e.g. choco.exe install -h.


  • .NET Framework 4.0+
  • PowerShell 2.0+
  • Windows Server 2003+ / Windows 7+

License / Credits

Apache 2.0 - see LICENSE and NOTICE files.

The Shade associated setups are sustained and an-isotropic filtering system features are a few of things which you could manage as desires. This could straighten the display to the dimension of the COMPUTER display as at first the application was made to play video games in smaller sized displays of android tools. Photo scaling as well as anti-aliasing features get a crucial location there. Download Link: You could manage the symbols in the user interface inning accordance with your preference. Ppsspp for windows 10 pc. That takes place because of the enhancement of the screen resolution.

Submitting Issues

  • If you are having issue with a package, please see Request Package Fixes or Updates / Become a maintainer of an existing package.
  • If you are looking for packages to be added to the community feed (aka, please see Package Requests.
  1. Start with Troubleshooting and the FAQ to see if your question or issue already has an answer.
  2. If not found or resolved, please follow one of the following avenues:
    • If you are a licensed customer, please see support. You can also log an issue to Licensed Issues and we will submit issues to all other places on your behalf. Another avenue is to use email support to have us submit tickets and other avenues on your behalf (allowing you to maintain privacy).
    • If it is an enhancement request or issue with the website (the community package repository aka, please submit the issue to the repo.
    • If you have found an issue with the GUI (Chocolatey GUI) or you want to submit an enhancement, please see the ChocolateyGUI repository.
    • If you have found an issue with the client (choco.exe), you are in the right place. Keep reading below.

Observe the following help for submitting an issue:


  • The issue has to do with choco itself and is not a package or website issue.
  • Please check to see if your issue already exists with a quick search of the issues. Start with one relevant term and then add if you get too many results.
  • You are not submitting an 'Enhancement'. Enhancements should observe CONTRIBUTING guidelines.
  • You are not submitting a question - questions are better served as emails or gitter chat questions.
  • Please make sure you've read over and agree with the etiquette regarding communication.

Install Chocolatey

Submitting a ticket:

  • We'll need debug and verbose output, so please run and capture the log with -dv or --debug --verbose. You can submit that with the issue or create a gist and link it.
  • Please note that the debug/verbose output for some commands may have sensitive data (passwords or apiKeys) related to Chocolatey, so please remove those if they are there prior to submitting the issue.
  • choco.exe logs to a file in $env:ChocolateyInstalllog. You can grab the specific log output from there so you don't have to capture or redirect screen output. Please limit the amount included to just the command run (the log is appended to with every command).
  • Please save the log output in a gist (save the file as and link to the gist from the issue. Feel free to create it as secret so it doesn't fill up against your public gists. Anyone with a direct link can still get to secret gists. If you accidentally include secret information in your gist, please delete it and create a new one (gist history can be seen by anyone) and update the link in the ticket (issue history is not retained except by email - deleting the gist ensures that no one can get to it). Using gists this way also keeps accidental secrets from being shared in the ticket in the first place as well.
  • We'll need the entire log output from the run, so please don't limit it down to areas you feel are relevant. You may miss some important details we'll need to know. This will help expedite issue triage.
  • It's helpful to include the version of choco, the version of the OS, and the version of PowerShell (Posh) - the debug script should capture all of those pieces of information.
  • Include screenshots and/or animated gifs whenever possible, they help show us exactly what the problem is.


If you would like to contribute code or help squash a bug or two, that's awesome. Please familiarize yourself with CONTRIBUTING.

Windows 10 Oneget


Committers, you should be very familiar with COMMITTERS.

Compiling / Building Source

There is a build.bat/ file that creates a necessary generated file named SolutionVersion.cs. It must be run at least once before Visual Studio will build.

Chocolatey Install Windows




  • .NET Framework 3.5 (This is a windows feature installation).
  • .NET Framework 4+
  • Visual Studio is helpful for working on source.
  • ReSharper is immensely helpful (and there is a .sln.DotSettings file to help with code conventions).

How to use endnote x7. Build Process:

Vsdc free video editor guide. That said, VSDC does come with a drag-and-drop, step-by-step wizard mode that will get very basic videos made even if you aren’t sure what you’re doing. A great deal of information is displayed at any given time--enough to overwhelm newbies.

  • Run build.bat.

Running the build on Windows should produce an artifact that is tested and ready to be used.

Other Platforms

  • Install and configure Mono 3.12.0 (3.8.0 should also work).
  • Xamarin Studio is helpful for working on source.
  • Consider adding the following to your ~/.profile (or other relevant dot source file):
  • Set your permissions correctly:
Build Process:
  • Run ./

Running the build on Mono produces an artifact similar to Windows but may have more rough edges. You may get a failure or two in the build script that can be safely ignored.


Chocolatey is brought to you by quite a few people and frameworks. See CREDITS (just LEGAL/ in the zip folder).